We human beings are all the time wanting to control things and we create mechanisms to defend ourselves from pain. This is something hereditary. Why don't we learn that difficulties create value? Even entrepreneurs get growth out of crisis. When something goes wrong, we already give up, instead of taking into consideration that maybe this moment of conflict is propitious for the development that will come in the medium and long term.

Those who do not accompany the difficulty of life are carried away by it!

High and low are two sides of the same coin!

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Human beings are both attracted and repelled by physical danger. We had to accept that in the hunt and later in factories and farms and love there could be injury, sometimes mortal injury. But I wonder if mere thrill seeking and prize fighting is the same? Certainly danger is sharded. But toil and selfless service in the face of danger must be revered more. I

Excellent post.

I should add that Safetyism is another way we think we can utterly master this world, which presumes human perfectability. Oh, those pretty things have arrived...and how.

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